About IPARD Programme

The Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) represents assistance to candidate countries for EU membership to implement the process of stabilisation and association in accordance with their specific situations. The policy area of ​​agriculture and rural development is intended for candidate countries with the aim of preparing for the implementation and management of the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU.

Within the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance IPA III for the period 2021 – 2027, that came into the force since January 1, 2021, there is also a special Programme for support in the field of rural development.

IPARD III Programme

The IPARD III Programme of the Republic of Serbia for the period 2021 – 2027 was adopted by EC Decision No. S(2022)1537 of March 9, 2022. The EU’s financial contribution to the IPARD III Programme is higher in relation to the previous programming period and amounts to EUR 288 million. It is expected that this EU support, together with the national and private contribution of the recipients, will result of over EUR 580 million in investments within the Serbian agriculture.

Funding opportunities of the IPARD III Programme will contribute to the achievement of the security and safety of food supply and the maintenance of diversified and viable farming systems in vibrant rural communities and the countryside.

IPARD III Programme will contribute to the achievement of the following objectives:

    1. Increasing the competitiveness of the agri-food sector, improving the efficiency and sustainability of on-farm production, which will provide a better response to society’s demands for safe, nutritious and sustainable food;
    2. Facilitating business development, growth and employment in rural areas, improving farmers’ position within the value chain and attract young farmers into agriculture;
    3. Contributing to climate change mitigation and fostering sustainable management of natural resources;
    4. Improving community development and social capital in rural areas;
    5. Building-up modern, efficient and transparent public administration for agriculture and rural development.

The objectives should be achieved by developing human and physical capital, increasing the food-safety and the ability of the agri-food sector to cope with competitive pressure, as well as to progressively align the sector with the EU standards, in particular those concerning hygiene and environment, while pursuing balanced territorial development of rural areas.

IPARD II Programme

IPARD II Programme is an Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance within the field of Rural Development for the programming period 2014 – 2020, with investment support of EUR 175 million, intended to strengthen the competitiveness within the food production and processing sector, which will help the gradual adaptation to the standards of the European Union in the areas of hygiene, food safety, animal welfare and environmental protection, as well as diversification of the rural economy. Through this Programme, candidate countries prepare for European Union membership and for the use of funds from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).

IPARD II Programme is approved by the European Union and adopted by the conclusion of the Government of the Republic of Serbia. It is implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management and the Directorate for Agrarian Payments.

IPARD support is the first aid of its kind that is intended directly for recipients, i.e. agricultural producers – legal and natural persons, which includes the following regions: Belgrade region, Vojvodina region, Šumadija and Western Serbia region, and the Southern and Eastern Serbia region.

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    This material has been prepared with the financial support of the European Union. The project lead (IPARD Managing Authority) is solely responsible for its content and it does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

    The photos used on the website ipard.gov.rs were provided by the owner, while some photos were taken from www.freepik.com and are indicative.

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