Measure 9

Technical assistance

Measure 9- Technical assistance

Measure 9 of the IPARD III Programme, Technical Assistance,coversthe provision of technical assistance and support costs associatedwith the implementation of the IPARD Programme, especially in the preparation, management, implementation, monitoring and evaluation,information, communication, coordination and networking activities, aswell as control and audit functionsof the IPARD Programmeand its possible subsequent changes. This measure could be used to address operational bottlenecks, as well as to reduce the administrative burden for recipients.

Specific objectives of Measure 9 include:

  • providing support for the monitoring and evaluation of the IPARD Programme;
  • ensuring and adequate flow of information and publicity regarding the IPARD Programme;
  • supporting studies, trainings, visits and seminars to improve the capacity of IPARD administrations and recipients;
  • support for external expertise;
  • support for the establishment and preparation for potential LAGs;
  • support for improving the capacities of national AASs;
  • improving the capacities of local entities (e.g. municipalities, regional entities) that support the implementation of the IPARD Programme;
  • strengthening the state administration that manages the IPARD Programme.

Recipient under Measure 9 is the IPARD Managing Authority (MA). Other IPARD III entities and related bodies (IPARD ManagingAuthority/IPARD Agency, Management Structure, AAS, technical bodies, potential LAGs and national rural (development) network) can benefit from Measure 9 activities via the MA.

Aid intensity, expressed as the share of public support in the eligible expenditures amounts up to 100%, where the EU contribution rate is 85% and 15% is national contribution.

An indicative annual Action Plan for activities that are envisaged under Measure 9 – TechnicalAssistance, in consultation with DG AGRI is prepared by the IPARD MA, and adopted by the IPARDMonitoring Committee. The implementation of Action Plan is carried out through procurement procedures conducted in accordance with contract procedures for European Union external action (PRAG rules), respecting principles of transparency, proportionality, equal treatment, non-discrimination and sound financial management (valuefor money).

2021 - 2027
+381 11 3347 118

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    This material has been prepared with the financial support of the European Union. The project lead (IPARD Managing Authority) is solely responsible for its content and it does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

    The photos used on the website were provided by the owner, while some photos were taken from and are indicative.

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