Measure 3

Investments in physical assets concerning processing and marketing of agricultural and fishery products

Measure 3 – Investments in physical assets concerning processing and marketing of agricultural and fishery products

Support through Measure 3 under the IPARD III Programme – Investments in physical assets concerning processing and marketing of agricultural and fishery productsis intended to support the processing and marketing of agricultural products with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the agri-food sector and improving the efficiency and sustainability of the food industry. In addition, the objective of Measure 3 is to provide a better response of the food sector to societal demands for healthy, safe and of high nutritional value food in accordance with the EU standards. Furthermore, Measure 3 should help solve the challenges caused by the impact of climate change by encouraging the production of energy from renewable sources and the circular economy. Part of the activities, within this measure, will contribute to strengthening the position of farmers in the food production chain, encouraging them to cooperate in short supply chains and produce higher value products.

The recipients of this measure are registered agricultural holdings, namely: entrepreneurs, legal entities andagricultural cooperatives.Supported processing and marketing sectors are milk, meat, egg, fishery, fruit, vegetables, grape, cereals and industrial crops.

Investments in physical assets concerning processing and marketing of agricultural and fishery products include investments in the construction and equipping of facilities, purchase of new equipment, machinery and mechanisation, computer hardware and software.

The aid intensity under Measure 3 is up to 50% of the total eligible expenditures, while for investments related to wastewater management, circular economy and renewable energy sources, the support is increased by 10%.

Under Measure 3, the recipient can claim support, irrespective of the total value of the investment, for eligible expenditures from EUR 20,000 to EUR 1,300,000. The total support that one recipient can receive under this measure during the IPARD III Programme implementation period is EUR 2,500,000. The Rulebook on IPARD subsidies for investments in physical assets concerning processing and marketing of agricultural and fishery products prescribes in more details the eligible recipients of IPARD support, the amount of IPARD support, as well as the conditions, manner and procedure for implementing Measure 3.


2021 - 2027
+381 11 3347 118

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