Measure 7

Farm diversification and business development

Measure 7 – Farm diversification and business development

Support through Measure 7 of the IPARD III Programme – Farm diversification and business development is aimed at creating new opportunities for employment in rural areas, increasing the level and scope of service availability, and improving the quality of life in rural areas.

Beneficiaries of Measure 7 are: natural persons – holders of commercial family agricultural holdings that are registered in the Register of Agricultural Holdings and have an active status; Entrepreneurs and legal entities in the range of micro and small-sized legal enterprises, which are registered in Serbian Business Registers Agency, have an active status and based in a rural area.

Measure 7 provides support for the development of three sectors, namely:

  • the sector of direct marketing of agricultural-food products and home-made products (food, clothing, cosmetic and hygiene products, art objects, etc.);
  • the rural tourism sector (categorized accommodation and hospitality facilities with a capacity of up to 30 individual beds, per recipient) and
  • the small-scale service sector (economic activities such as various maintenance and repair services for cars, computers, various appliances and devices, personal items and educational services, namely schools for: foreign languages, computers, driving, dancing, acting, music, painting, sports and recreational activities and advisory services in agriculture).

Within the rural tourism sector and the small-scale service sector, investments are eligible in rural areas, while within the direct marketing sector, investments are allowed in settlements located in both urban and rural areas.

The support refers to the construction/reconstruction and equipping of facilities (including the purchase and/or equipping of vehicles) for the providing non-agricultural activities. Eligible investments and expenses are listed in the List of Eligible Expenditures.

Investment in facilities and equipment for the production of energy from renewable sources is acceptable for financing only as an integral part of the project within all sectors.

The intensity of support from public sources is up to 60% of eligible investment costs, which could be additionally increased by 10% for investments by young farmers and producers of certified organic products, as well as an additionall 10% for investments related to waste water and waste management, use energy from renewable sources or investments in the circular economy.The maximum support intensity cannot exceed 75%.

The minimum and maximum values of public support per project in one public call are:


Sector Type and value of public support in EUR
Direct marketing sector Construction/reconstruction with equipping the facility: from 5,000 to 300,000 EUR

Just equipping the facility: from 5,000 to 100,000 EUR

Rural tourism sector Construction/reconstruction/equipping the facility: from 20,000 to 300,000 EUR
Small-scale services sector Construction/reconstruction with equipping the facility: from 5,000 to 300,000 EUR;

Just equipping the facility: from 5,000 to 200,000 EUR


In the case when the project includes investment in more than one sector, the minimum value of public support will be EUR 20,000, and the maximum value will be EUR 300,000. Total support from the IPARD III Programme through Measure 7 per recipient is EUR 600,000.

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